We’re the Brown’s. It’s nice to meet you!
Our Story
As entrepreneurs (my wife and I own our own businesses) we work a lot of hours. The various companies we’re involved in can consume our lives most of the year. Add that we have a teenager and want to be involved as much as possible in his high schools years before they rapidly come to an end and he’s off to college. After many years of missing moments in life we decided to take the leap, leave the businesses in the hands of our capable staffs and business partners and escape real life, if just for a moment in time. This first adventure was an amazing experience and started this movement of Life’s About Experiences, Not Things.
A month after the return from this first trip I had a heart attack. I was lucky enough to be revived and became more focused on work not consuming me (I still work way too much, but I’m trying) and getting out to enjoy the world. Since then we’ve traveled through Europe with Julie’s 92 year old Grandmother, had musical experiences, relaxed in the Maldives and took in the unique experience that is Iceland.
Telling the story of our experiences started with writing a daily post on Facebook of the first 26-day adventure. I did this mainly for us to remember the adventure. What happened is our friends started following the journey and looking forward to the next day’s post. The response was overwhelming and the comments were so positive, that we had to do more . Since then, I’ve enjoyed telling the story of our adventures and sharing it with friends. Telling these stories was the catalyst for this blog.
Through sharing these experiences, we hope it inspires some of you to get out to enjoy the world. Whether that’s on a grand adventure or a weekend away, do something to create experiences for you and your family. We all have enough things, what we can never get enough of is experiences.
Thank you for sharing in our journey.
Christopher, Julie & Marcus